Posted by Sam on November 17th, 2009
A lil’ bit of this & a big tad of that..

Buy some seed spuds that are sprouting (leave them in a cool dark place if they haven’t sprouted yet – I didn’t try cultivating them from potatoes that you buy from the shop since this was my first time). Section them if they are too large, but make sure that you leave an eye on every section that you cut. After that, let them sit out for a few days prior to sowing. Fill the bottom of a bag with 3 inches of soil. The dirt I had had plant food already in it. Using some kind of pointed weeder, poke holes in the bottom of the bag to facilitate water drainage. Put your seed potatoes in the sack – you should probably put no more than three to a bag. Cover seed spuds with around 2 inches of dirt. You need to make certain that you completely cover them otherwise they will not grow well. Irrigate them. Now, just wait and let mother nature take its course. When the seed spuds grow approximately 5 inches above the top of the soil, add another 2-3 inches more of soil over top. Keep repeating until the stems poke roughly 5 inches above the top of the sack. Your potatoes are ready sir!

Written By: | Sam is the resident gardener, a father of 3, who lives in the UK. He is also into everything tech and is the ‘go to’ guy for anything DIY. He is also an enthusiastic blogger who especially enjoys writing about outdoor activities. |
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